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Hitachi Solutions Philippines

  • #11 in Technology
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at Hitachi Solutions Philippines

9.0 rating for Management, based on 55 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
My manager is respectful and approachable. He is very open to feedback and makes it a point to collaborate with us every month as required. His effort is highly appreciated and I cannot ask for a better manager than the one I have now.
Graduate, Manila
The managers are exceptional they help us what our needs and very approachable
Graduate, Philippines
Managers are very good. They make sure your efforts are recognized. They are also easy to talk with when you have an issue.
Graduate, Manila, Philippines
Our managers are kind and helpful. We can talk to them when we have issues or problems. They teach us new things. Every year, we are being evaluated by our managers. They give us feedbacks about our performance, and how to improve them.
Graduate, Taguig City
The managers in the company are very approachable and give hands-on guidance in all situation in the work place.
Other (Please specify) - Trainee Technical Analyst - CRM, Taguig, Manila, Philippines
The managers here are approachable and kind, they make good mentors.
Graduate, Manila, Philippines
They are friendly
Graduate, Philippines
Yes, they are there to teach you how to present yourself at work.
Graduate, Taguig City
Yes, I can talk to my manager anytime.
Graduate, Taguig City
Managers are approachable and maintain an open-door policy and actively supports professional development by providing guidance and sharing insights. Managers provides feedback to help employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Managers acknowledge and appreciate individual and team achievements.
Other (Please specify) - Mid Senior Level, Manila
Our team lead and my reporting manager are approachable and I feel like I can ask them anything when I need help on my work. They also encourages us to take certifications and enhance our skills.
Other (Please specify) - 6, Manila
Our manager is super nice, approachable and cares about the employees.
Graduate, Taguig City
My immediate manager possesses a clear vision for the future direction of the Hitachi brand. The corporate environment is distinct from the advertising setup I was previously accustomed to. However, it presents a challenge for us to find a middle ground in ensuring that our designs effectively contribute to the Hitachi brand's growth and impactful presence.
Graduate, Manila
Our managers' ability to lead has allowed us to thrive and contribute effectively to our team. They are open to communication and are willing to listen to our ideas/suggestions. They have the patience to thoroughly explain everything, and they are very willing to share their knowledge which made our learning process genuinely enjoyable.
Graduate, Taguig City
Approachable, respectful and role model leaders and Managers.
Graduate, Manila
Managers are accessible, but lacks on being a good mentor
Graduate, Taguig
The company have the culture of working as a team so regardless of the position you can easily reach out to any senior for help.
Graduate, Manila
Always available. Very supportive and Transparent. Honest
Other (Please specify) - Undergraduate, Manila
My manager understands my role properly. She knows when to listen and give criticism. She is very open for feedbacks and problems that I encounter. If you have a lot of workload she will help you finish urgent tasked that she can do on her own.
Graduate, Philippines
Team manager despite being busy makes time to talk to you and guide you through different situation.
Graduate, Manila