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Shell Philippines

  • #1 in Mining, oil and gas
  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Working Hours at Shell Philippines

8.4 rating for Working Hours, based on 7 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
There is work-life balance promoted both by the work itself and the leads that champion us to innovate and automate in order to have more time to our selves. Improvement would be to have more time to explore other opportunities and projects within the company
Graduate, Manila
My regular work hours are 6am to 3pm since I am based in Manila but support an asset in Queensland. The company does not require us to clock in exactly at this time. It is possible for me to adjust my shift to a later schedule on days where there are local meetings or events later in the afternoon.
Graduate, Makati
The company is very flexible when it comes to work hours and days reporting in the office. We are currently following a hybrid setup which often gives employees more free time after work hours.
Graduate, Quezon City
No time in/time out. However, OT happens too often.
Graduate, Taguig