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Shearwater Health Advisors

  • #3 in Health
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Shearwater Health Advisors

7.8 rating for Working Hours, based on 24 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Usual 9 hour shift including a 1 hour break.
Midlevel, Taguig
Yes its flexible but taking too much hours due to deliverables
Midlevel, Quezon city
Sometimes longer the 8 hours, but i think it's expected in a job from time to time.
Experienced, Taguig
Definitely no restrictions, we are not being forced to work long hours BUT the workload and your presence to team makes you to be required working more than the usual working hours.
Experienced, TAGUIG
Yes very flexible
Executive, Manila
being part of Management, extending hours is pretty normal, but it's satisfying given that you're productive
I work the night shift. My hours are flexible to an extent
Experienced, Metro Manila
The work hours is negitiable.
Experienced, Cebu
It is okay pretty much the same companies out there
Graduate, Quezon City
Very flexible
Experienced, Taguig
OTs are being approved
Midlevel, Taguig City
9 hours
Graduate, Pampanga
can do hybrid set up as of the moment
Graduate, cebu city
I can come in any time as long as its reasonable
Experienced, Taguig
Recruiters are assigned to work Mid-shift. I can even extend more hours and render overtime if I want to. However, we have to deal with a fixed OT rate. But that should be fine.
Experienced, Cebu
they are flexible.
Midlevel, Taguig
Flexible. However would usually nee to spend 10 hours or more
Midlevel, Manila
Highly flexible
Experienced, Cebu City